Open to new opportunities and challenges


Lofi Pomodoro Timer

HTML / CSS / Javascript



This app was built using primarily HTML and Javascript. Users are able to use it bssed on the pomodoro studying technique where the app will start a 25 minute timer while playing the popular lofi songs for the user to study or focus on their task. At the end of the time an alarm is played for the user to rest for 5 mins. This process continues until the user has completed their task.

What I have learnt

Technical: I learnt a greater grasp of CSS, HTML and Javascript. This gave me the foundation needed to learn and master other technologies that rely on the the fundamentals such as Tailwind CSS, React and Next.js.

Personal: This was one of the first few projects I ever did. It really taught me a lot and was what inspired me to study computer science to be a Software Engineer. Overall although this project is extremely simple, it is still one of my most memorable projects that I ever did. The idea that you can basically solve any problem you have and its only limited by your creativity was what really got me interested to software engineering. This project also taught me about debugging and the correct steps to take when one faces an error.




